Monday, August 31, 2015

I am more than delighted with Devon's drive to work and play.  He is not over the top crazy where he hits the dumbbell so hard he breaks teeth or  takes out jumps trying to get to the dumbbell faster (shades of Kellan.  Save me...), nor is he a slug.  

He does sometimes anticipate, but at this point in his training I consider that a good thing: it means he understands the exercise and is eager to do it.  We simply need to work a bit on self-control.  Because Devon is sensible, I think he will grasp this quickly.  I certainly hope so!

Right now we are working on a 'moderate' level of proofing of his obedience skills.  Unfortunately I haven't been able to do as much distraction work as I would like (this is difficult when you train alone), and now it seems his distraction proofing is going to be live--as in 'while performing in the ring.'  I'm sure there are a lot of surprises in store for us!

This short video is of Devon and me  horsing around with his dumbbell.  I depend heavily on my body language to let him know if he is to 'front' or to jump up on me upon delivery.  Body language counts!!  

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Devon has been training for obedience competition from the first day he entered our home.  As with all learning, we have had our share of ups and downs, but I would have to admit that overall Devon has had mostly 'ups'.  He began his scent discrimination at 6 months, and by the time he was 9 months old we were adding the turn and send.  Playing with go-outs helped enormously in keeping up his drive, while interjecting random interactive play during our heeling has made our teamwork blossom.  It's not quite as smooth as I would like yet, but Devon has a solid foundation and just needs maturity and experience.  People often ask how long I work heeling during a training session.  I actually allot a minimum of 15 minutes to heeling, 20-25 if time permits.  And yes, I time it.   If we do little else, I don't care.  Heeling comes first.

One of the 'interactive' games we do is 'twist' and 'spin' with a 'touch' or two as a flourish.  Even for their reward (and I am the primary reward!), they must work for it.  I do not dole out praise offhandedly.  Ha--just ask my dear husband!

Here's a sampling of how I keep Devon engaged:

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Because I train alone, I depend heavily on my husband videoing me so that I can see the 'bigger' picture.  John took this last month.  I just love to heel!  To me, heeling is the essence of obedience and true teamwork.  Obviously we still have a few kinks to work out, but overall I am very pleased in the direction we are going.  Devon will probably make his Novice debut in a month or so.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Right from the git-go Devon had enormous curiosity, yet wasn't rash.  He would look, absorb, then leap!  I just love this boy's temperament:-))

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Right from day one it was evident that Devon had great play and prey drive.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

 (Photos taken on Day 1)

Devon came into our family on October 15, 2013.  Never once did he show any concerns about his new environment.  On the contrary, he explored every nook and cranny and the entire perimeter of the property, which is fairly extensive.  I had never had a puppy so willing to leave the safety of his family to explore like this. Enormous confidence, great curiosity.  However, when I called, Devon came flying towards me---and still does!

This was the beginning of our relationship...

Friday, August 14, 2015

Introducing Ch. Sporting Field's Quantum Leap, aka. "DEVON".  He is on the verge of starting his obedience career, which I hope will be long and prosperous.  Having never done a blog, this endeavor is going to be an enormous learning experience, so please be patient with me.

My goal is to share Devon's travels, trials, titles, and tribulations as we compete in AKC.

So let me introduce my boy properly:

Devon was bred by Debbie Butt of Sporting Field Kennels and is the son of:
GCH Ch Filly's Run Raisin' Cane
and the amazing, incomparable
PCH CH Sporting Field's Heiress, HSAS, HIAS

Devon finished his Championship at 1 year of age and was owner/handled.  He presently has all three required majors towards his Grand Championship, so simply needs to be pointed out.

I am hoping to add videos to this blog so that I can share Devon's true beauty: his personality.  Devon has lovely drive, great confidence, and an enormous desire to please.  He is just as comfortable at a dog show as he is at home.

So welcome to Devon's adventures.  I'm sure he will keep us all amused!